Mar 29, 2024
How much you pay is really set on how you are thinking. Rethink your thinking.
Audio Production by Podsworth Media -
Mar 22, 2024
Let's bust some myths and let the record be set straight. The five myths we talk about in this episode are: 1. You borrow your money, 2. Premium is post-tax, 3. You collect the interest on loans, 4. You can use Universal Life products for IBC, and 5. You don't have to repay loans.
Audio Production by Podsworth Media -
Mar 15, 2024
People often use incorrect terminology when they talk about their life insurance policies and IBC. So let's go over the real meaning of the terms: Pull money, Take money, Tax-Free, Tax-Free Retirement, and IBC policy.
Audio Production by Podsworth Media -
Mar 8, 2024
It's hard to remember that our cash value is liquid and we get to use it. We have been programmed to think we will never see that money again. Remember, when you pay premium, a portion of that premium is available to you right away. You are not giving up access to every dollar you put in.
Audio Production by Podsworth...
Mar 1, 2024
If you are questioning how you are going to pay for the new piece of equipment, more cattle, or even a life insurance premium, then build it into your accounting. Successful operations have the costs built in; they don't just hope and pray they will have enough. Many ask how they can get away from the bank. If you...