Jun 26, 2020
This is my two cents on estate planning as an off-the-farm kid. I am not an expert, but when I see both sides, I always see some things being done foolishly, and I am always going to call them out. Guilt has been a longtime driver in the farming world; we need to stop feeling bad about things we can't change and change...
Jun 19, 2020
Many people want to work with a local agent, and I understand why. If this is you, I will help answer some questions about why you want to have someone who knows IBC, why most mutual companies are good, and why you should make your money a priority over making someone else happy. It's a concept, not a sales tool.
Jun 12, 2020
I go over two more chapters in Becoming Your Own Banker. I discuss Parkinson's Law and Willie Sutton's Law. You'll hear how human nature keeps us in slavery to material things and luxury and how the IRS is the biggest thief we have to contend with.
Jun 5, 2020
I am not the expert on this, but I want to give you a few ideas of what to look for and how to think about starting your own operations. Many people are asking and saying they think it can't be done. It can, but just not overnight. There are plenty of ways to do it. Enjoy.