Feb 26, 2021
Here is the answer to your question of, "How am I supposed to pay myself back for cash purchases?" Many people do not get this because they feel they do not have the money. Here is your answer!
Feb 19, 2021
In this episode, I address what you can and can't write off on your taxes by using the policy, tax code 7702 changes, and how that will affect the policies going forward. I also address the video done by a certain talking head (you probably know who) regarding IBC being a scam. Enjoy!
Feb 12, 2021
In this episode, I talk about the real reason behind Infinite Banking and what people are forgetting, as well as tying in Nelson's chapter, "Cost of Acquisition", and how we forget our time is worth something.
Feb 5, 2021
With commodity prices high, it may be a perfect time to change the insanity of what you are doing and start your own bank or maybe even pay down some debt with that, but for the love of Pete, do NOT avoid taxes with unnecessary spending.