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Aug 25, 2023

You have flexibility, but it should only be used when you NEED to, not all the time. Paying premium makes you money.

Audio Production by Podsworth Media - 

Aug 18, 2023

We need to do a better job of asking questions, and those who do not ask and think they know are scary. Not everyone understands ag but is ok with taking money from a policy sale. That is not helping this industry.

Audio Production by Podsworth Media - 

Aug 11, 2023

3 things I do not buy into 100% are gold/silver, cryptocurrencies, and velocity banking. Are they useful? Perhaps... yet I don't understand a lot of the hype or why these are the end-all, be-all for some folks.

Audio Production by Podsworth Media - 

Aug 4, 2023

Keep in mind, if you are looking for advice from others, your approach will determine your success.

Audio Production by Podsworth Media -