Nov 25, 2022
I wrote my book with you in mind, and that is to keep this concept very simple, explain what words mean, and what columns on illustrations mean. It is not hard, yet so many people make it hard. Tune in and hear about what's in the book and why I teach the way I do. Fun little tid bits about me included.
Nov 18, 2022
This is a super fun interview with two people that are leveraging their farm and truly running it like a business. Learn from their direct-to-consumer business, sell/buy marketing, and custom harvesting business, some done with family and some on their own. After listening, you’ll see why continued education...
Nov 11, 2022
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and concerns that I have received or come across recently.
Nov 4, 2022
Tune in and learn LOTS from Heidi about hanging in there through the tough times with family, running her farm like a business, rotational grazing 100%, and being creative with her IBC policy.