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Sep 25, 2020

I break down why interest rates themselves are not the most important thing and why dividends are not something you should be comparing companies on. There is far more to the Infinite Banking Concept than interest rates and dividends.

Audio Production by Podsworth Media.

Sep 18, 2020

Many people are trying to get debt paid off as soon as they can, but is that the best way to utilize money? In this episode, I go over why we may not want to overpay debt, why a 30-year mortgage may be better than a 15-year mortgage, and when is a good time to overpay and get debt paid down before starting an IBC...

Sep 11, 2020

Today we are breaking down another chapter from "Becoming Your Own Banker" on the Infinite Banking Concept. It deals with how life insurance is priced, why we want the companies to be picky, and our need for death benefit vs. cash. Listen in and enjoy!

Audio Production by Podsworth Media.

Sep 4, 2020

The Infinite Banking Concept teaches us to be honest bankers, and that not only goes for paying the policy loan back plus interest; it also applies to you using money from savings, capital investments, and getting discounts on land rent or tractor use. In this episode, I go over why it's so important to be honest...